25. July 2024 | Forschungsprojekt | Umweltprojekt
Forests are essential ecosystems that provide numerous social, economic, ecological and cultural benefits. However, forests are under threat from various human activities, including deforestation and land-use changes. One of the forests in Ghana that has suffered significant degradation is the Tinte Bepo Forest ecosystem. This study aims to involve community participation in biodiversity conservation through the assessment of forest cover changes, floristic composition, and carbon stocks in the Tinte Bepo Forest in Ghana using a citizen science approach. Participatory approaches, workshops and training the locals and capacity-building, local partnerships and media relations will be main focus of this research. The findings of this study will be useful for the forest fringe communities, policymakers, conservationists and community members working towards the sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Ghana especially for the selected study site.