31. December 2024 | Forschungsprojekt | Publikation
Lernpapier von Stefanie Albrecht über Lebensmittelwälder und Agroforstwirtschaft und deren wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit, erschienen in den Briefen zur Interdisziplnarität, Dezember 2024, Ausgabe 34 "Mensch und Umwelt".
Abstract: Food forests are multi-strata agroforestry systems that grow fruits, nuts, herbs and other foods. They often also offer services in education and recreation. This paper reflects on the challenges and successes to support the economic development of four food forests in the U.S. and Germany.
In particular, it looks at the inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations in the context of major success factors such as acquiring start-up funds, planning a farming business and gaining entrepreneurial expertise. It also looks at the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the supporting structure around these sites, such as umbrella organisations for land access and mediating agents for conflict resolution. For food forests, more professional, economic support is needed to develop their full potential, e.g. through business training of food foresters and long-term land access structures. For transdicisplinary researchers, patience and persistence with a strong direction (vision) may help to implement these long-term solutions successfully.enhanced by personal experience reports from France and Germany.