"Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität" is the Andrea von Braun Foundation's newsletter, which is published every six months. The most important aim of this newsletter is to record the experiences of our funding recipients in their projects.
The journal 'Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität' invites readers to think and engage in dialogue across disciplinary boundaries. Its aim is the same as that of the Andrea von Braun Foundation: the mutual stimulation and exchange between all areas of the humanities, natural sciences, engineering and social sciences, the arts, crafts, traditional knowledge and other skills, as well as the development and implementation of new, interdisciplinary methods. It is guided by the conviction that the most important and interesting developments take place at the edges of the fields of knowledge or between them. The foundation's primary goal is to enable these developments and make them tangible.
The content of the journal is based on the publication of so-called learning papers. These are field reports whose preparation is part of the Andrea von Braun Foundation's funding conditions. Once a funding project has been completed, its interdisciplinary aspects are analysed and presented. The learning papers are grouped together under broadly defined focal points and are published every six months as an issue of "Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität". Our aim is to make the specific interdisciplinary experiences of the foundation's scholarship holders available to both relevant organisations and interested individuals.
Below you will find three particularly successful "learning papers" in which the scholarship holders analyse the projects funded by the foundation and present their interdisciplinary aspects:
Dr. Christina Bern (medical jurist): „Genome Editing in Zeiten von CRISPR/Cas. Eine rechtliche Analyse.“
Veit Braun (sociologist): Interdisziplinäre Reflektion am Beispiel der rechtlichen Analyse eines Streits zum Thema Saatgut
Fabienne Schovenberg (communication designer):„Ist die Welt noch zu retten / Die Welt ist noch zu retten – Auf der Suche nach Gelassenheit beim Weltverbessern.“
Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität is published biannually as a journal by oekom Verlag. You can download all issues via the link below or order a print version directly from the publisher. All issues and articles except for the current issue are available to everyone free of charge.